Uvarovite Garnet — Photos
Uvarovite– try typing this out on an iPhone keyboard. This is a gorgeous mineral that is in the Garnet family. It has a luscious rich dark green color and commonly occurs as a druzy on matrics.
The International Gem Society notes that uvarovite is one of the rarest members of the garnet family an is rarely ever faceted. The photo to the right is my own specimen and I was playing around with a light box. Although it’s not the best of the photos I’ve taken, I have more in the gallery below.
Often mistaken for emeralds, uvarovites, as with emeralds, get their color from chromium.

Under A Microscope

I have a portable microscope with USB charging I bought from Amazon and the photos above are taken at 1000x magnification.
Coming soon…

Illuminated: A Collection of Fluorescent Minerals, is a new book that I am working on. It will be available on Amazon later this year. The focus is on several fluorescent minerals in my collection with detailed information.
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